
Sunday 10 February 2013

The (Returning) Working Mummy

I knew, even looking from the outside, that functioning as a working parent was hard. When I was home full-time, I would sometimes spy neighbours trekking with their kids to the daycare at some un-godly hour before 8 a.m. I thought, how do you get a pack of kids up, fed, dressed and out the door by that time? Everyday!?! Ack!

Thankfully, as the new bread-winner parent, I'm responsible for moving only one child to a second location before work. (My astonishment has still not diminished at how a lone kindergartener can fill 15 minutes with getting boots, a coat and a knapsack on. I'm getting a reputation with the teacher as the "always late" parent.)

In addition to new routines, there's also been the adjustment to new realities. Like the fact that I now see my kids only at breakfast during the week and on weekends (they're in bed by the time I get home from work). I went through what I imagine is very common kiddie-withdrawal for the first few weeks. But I must confess that putting up photos of my boys at my desk at work largely quelled that inner cry --though I certainly look forward to spending time with my young'uns.

Honestly, what I'm finding hardest is having very little time on the "margins," with this blog being one of the most obvious casualties. I do have some time for personal activities; for instance, I've started going to the gym again. However, I view a return to exercising as more re-incorporating a necessary aspect into my life, particularly in light of my post-baby weight and muscle-tone issues.

What's had to give are the "extras," including socializing, sewing and writing. (Not to mention, to a large extent, cooking and cleaning! Laundry gets done --otherwise I go nude to work.) This is not a new quandary for parents of young children, just a new one for me. And I know things will eventually settle in to routines and feel less foreign.

But, in the meantime, as we figure out how to create a little more space in the margins, bear with me if I'm posting far less frequently. If you're experiencing a similar situation, how are you finding it?